Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council Meeting 9th November 2017

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will take place on Thursday, 9th November 2017 in the Barling Magna Parish Hall, Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, commencing at 7:00pm.  This meeting will be open in part to the press and members of the public.

Click the links below for the papers for this meeting: 

Barling Council Agenda 9th November 2017  

Barling Full Council Minutes – 12th October 2017


Barling Magna Parish Full Council Meeting – Thursday 12th October 2017

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will take place on Thursday, 12th October 2017 in the Barling Magna Parish Hall, Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, commencing at 7:00pm.  This meeting will be open in part to the press and members of the public.

Click the links below for the papers for this meeting:

Barling Council Agenda 12th October 2017

Barling Full Council Minutes – 14th September 2017

Barling Magna PC – Income & Expenditure 1.4.17-30.9.17

Notice of Completion of Audit for the year ending 31 March 2017

Each year, by law, the Parish Council’s accounts are audited twice: once by an auditor engaged by the Council and then again by an external auditor appointed by the Government.

For the year ending 31 March 2017, we are pleased that our accounts have been passed by both auditors.

You can see a copy of our annual return for the year here.  This includes the auditors’ reports:  Barling – Notice of Completion of Audit for year ending 31 March 2017 (2)

The full papers are available for inspection by local residents.  You can find information about how and when you may view the financial statements by following the link above.


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