Category: Parish Council Finances
Audit for the finance year of 2023-2024
As a public body, Barling Magna Parish Council is required each year to have both an internal and external audit of its finances and governance.
Members of the public have the right to make a demand to inspect our draft accounts for the year pf 31st March 2024 and supporting paperwork. Appointments to be made by email to [email protected] or by phone 07950679027.
Audit for the Finance year 2023 to 2024
Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Please see the forms which has been submitted to the External Auditor
20-Bank-reconciliation-July 23 21-Explanation-of-Variances-2022-23 final 22-Reconciliation-between-Box-7-and-Box-8-SF AnnualReturnForm3_2022-23_e SF balances 31 03 2023 Barling Magna Final PC Report 2022-23 Signed Actions to Audit report Signed AGAR
Audit for the Finance Year April 2022 to March 2023
As a public body, Barling Magna Parish Council is required each year to have both an internal and external audit of its finances and governance.
Members of the public have the right to make a demand to inspect our draft accounts for the year to 31st March 2023 and supporting paperwork, on week days in the period 3st July 2023 to 13th August 2023. Appointments to be made by email to [email protected] or by phone to 07483 376876.
Notice of Conclusion of Audit for the year ended 31-3-22
Each year, by law, the Parish Council’s accounts are audited by an external auditor appointed by the Government. For the year ended 31.3.22 we are pleased that, once again, our accounts have been passed by the external auditor.
You can see a copy of the notice of conclusion of audit for the year ended 31.3.22.
The full papers are available for inspection by local residents. If you have any questions please contact our Responsible Financial Officer on 07867 577569
Audit for the year ending 31 March 2022 – Notice of Public Rights
As a public body, Barling Magna Parish Council is required each year to have both an internal and external audit of its finances and governance.
Members of the public have the right to make a demand to inspect our draft accounts for the year to 31 March 2022 and supporting paperwork, on week days in the period 1/7/22 to 11/8/22. Appointments may be made by email to [email protected] or by phone 07867577569.
Please click on the links below to see the headline figures and to read further about your rights:
Barling Magna Parish Council AGAR 2021-22
Barling Magna Parish Council Displayed Notice of Public Rights – 1.7.2022
Notice of Completion of Audit for the year ended 31-3-2021
Each year, by law, the Parish Council’s accounts are audited twice, once by an auditor engaged by the Council and then again by an externally auditor appointed by the Government. For the year ended 31-3-2021 we are pleased that, once again, our accounts have been passed by both auditors.
You can see a copy of our annual return and auditors reports below.
Barling Magna Parish Council Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020-21
The full papers are available for inspection by local residents. If you have any questions please contact our Responsible Financial Officer on 07867 577569.
Audit for the year ending 31 March 2021 – Notice of Public Rights
As a public body, Barling Magna Parish Council is required each year to have both an internal and an external audit of its finances and governance.
Members of the public have the right to make an appointment to inspect our draft accounts for the year to 31 March 2021 and supporting paperwork, on weekdays in the period 1 July to 20 August 2021. Appointments may be made by email to: [email protected] or by telephoning 07867 577569.
Please use the links below to see the headline figures and internal auditor’s report and to read further about your rights:
Barling Magna Parish Council AGAR 2020-21
Internal Auditor Report Barling Magna Parish Council 2020-21
Barling Magna PC – Displayed Notice of Public Rights 1-7-2021
Audit for the year ending 31 March 2020 – Notice of Public Rights
As a public body, Barling Magna Parish Council is required each year to have both an internal and an external audit of its finances and governance.
Members of the public have the right to make an appointment to inspect our draft accounts for the year to 31 March 2020 and supporting paperwork, on weekdays in the period 1 July to 12 August 2020. Appointments may be made by email to: clerk or by telephoning 07483 376876.
Please use the links below to see the headline figures and internal auditor’s report and to read further about your rights:
Barling Magna PC – AGAR 2019-20
Barling Magna PC internal audit report 2019-20
Barling Magna PC – Displayed Notice of Public Rights – 1.7.20