Replacement Bus Shelters – Consultation 2020

Barling Magna Parish Council is proposing the replacement of the three wooden bus shelters in the Parish. All three shelters are in a bad state of repair and the plan is to replace them with rustic wooden shelters, in keeping with the rural nature of the parish.

As a better price can be obtained by replacing the three shelters at the same time, it is likely that external funding will need to be sought to assist in the cost of the replacement of the three shelters.

If you would like further information or like to comment on proposals, please contact the Parish Clerk on 07867577569 or [email protected].

Please see below details of decisions made by the Full Council:-

Full Council 10/9/20 discussed the need for replacement bus shelters and considered that a costing exercise needed to be undertaken to evaluate whether it would be possible to undertake all three shelters in the current year or whether the works should be spread over this year and next. The Clerk, in consultation with the Chair, was asked to establish the Council’s reserve position. It was agreed that the Council should proceed with the replacement of the bus shelters as soon as possible and, subject to confirmation of the Council’s reserves, the contract would be put out to tender. A price would also be provided for supplying the shelters individually as this might be useful in spreading the cost. A draft tender letter was approved at the Full Council meeting on 8/10/20.

The Finance Committee 23/11/20 considered tenders received from three companies for the replacement shelters. It was recommended into Full Council that the option be explored of splitting the contract into two components (i) the supply and delivery of the shelters (ii) the dismantling and disposal of existing shelters and installation of new shelters, including new bases if necessary. The clerk was asked to look into the Highways permissions that would be needed for the traffic management and the costs associated with this.

Full Council on 10/12/20 considered the recommendations from the Finance Committee and confirmed that the shelters were in a bad state of repair. It was agreed that, as a better price could be obtained by replacing the three shelters at the same time, external funding would be sought to assist in the cost of the replacement of the three shelters. Therefore, it was: RESOLVED to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government to apply for a Public Works Loan Board loan of £20,000 over the borrowing term of 10 years to assist in the funding of the replacement of three bus shelters in the parish. The annual loan repayments will come to around £2,500. It was decided that the council tax precept would not be increased for the purpose of the loan repayments.

At Full Council 14/1/21 the Clerk advised that the Public Works Loan Board loan application had been submitted to the Essex Association of Local Councils as part of the approval process. The tenders received for the replacement of the three wooden bus shelters in the Parish were reviewed by Members; it was proposed by Cllr Gardiner and seconded by Cllr Edmunds that, subject to the grant of a PWLB loan, the contract would be awarded to (i) Littlethorpe of Leicester for the supply and delivery of three shelters of the hassocks design and (ii) a local contractor for the dismantling and disposal of existing shelters and installation of new shelters, including new bases if necessary.

Full Council on 11/2/21 were advised that the application for a Public Works Loan Board loan towards the replacement of the three wooden bus shelters in the Parish had been submitted. A programme of maintenance of the new bus shelters should be built into any future budgets.

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