Year: 2016
Agenda Parish Council 10th November 2016
BARLING MAGNA PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will take place on Thursday 10th November, 2016, in All Saints, Barling Magna Parish Church, Church Road, Barling, Essex, commencing at 7.00pm Such persons who are registered as Local Government Electors for the Parish of Barling Magna are permitted and invited to attend, speak and vote on any issue raised at this meeting, however it should be noted that any such decisions made may not be binding on any Local Government Authority.
ALL MEMBERS of the COUNCIL ARE HEREBY SUMMONSED to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder. V K Marzouki Signed: Date: Victoria K Marzouki 05 November 2016 Clerk to the Barling Magna Parish Council.
1. The Chairman to declare the meeting open.
2. To receive apologies for absence.
3. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and with section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
4. To sign as a correct record the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 13th October 2016
5. The meeting will stand adjourned to permit Parishioners of Barling Magna to address the Council. (limit to 15 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker)
6. To receive a report from the District and County Councillors for the area on any matters of interest. (limit to 15 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker)
7. Financial Matters • To consider and approve cheque payments for November 2016 • To discuss and approve the council opening accounts with National Westminster Bank • To approve the recommendations from the Finance Committee that Mr John Watson be instructed to prepare the accounts, monthly bank reconciliations, budget for 2017/2018 precept and address any other associated financial matters including any outstanding and pending HMRC, VAT and pension regulator issues • To consider and make a decision on an approval to invite Mr John Watson to act as locum Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer on an interim/temporary basis from 1 December 2016
8. Financial Regulations To approve the amendments to NALC Model Financial Regulations as recommended from the Finance Committee (document will be emailed prior to meeting)
9. Clerks Report
10. Website • To agree councillors email addresses being advertised on the website • To authorise the chairman and / or the Vice Chair to make such postings on the Parish Council website as may be necessary, and/or agreed, until such time as the appointment of the new Clerk
11. Christmas 2016 To receive an update on Christmas Hampers, Citizen of the Year and Christmas Decorations
12. ECC Contact To authorise Cllr Cohen to make further enquiries regarding and if appropriate submit an application for a Response Grant from Essex County Council
13. Planning Matters Discuss application 16/01021/FUL and make any comments to the planning authority
14. Parish Plan and Outside Bodies Cllr Cohen on the RHALC written report submitted prior to meeting) Cllr Cohen on day 2 of Chairman’s Course (written report submitted prior to meeting) Clerk on New Clerks Course (written report submitted prior to meeting) Clerk on Finance Training (written report submitted prior to meeting)
15. Correspondence. To consider any correspondence received since the last meeting
16. At the Chairman’s discretion to exchange information and items for the next meeting
17. To agree the date of the next full council meeting Issued 05 November 2016