Agenda – Barling Magna Parish Council 11-2.2021

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Thursday 11 February 2021 by online conferencing, commencing at 7pm.

For the time being Council meetings may be held by online conferencing under s78 of The Coronavirus Act 2020. 

This meeting will be open to the press and public. If you wish to observe this meeting or to speak in the residents’ item on the agenda, please contact the Clerk to the Council by email: [email protected] no later than noon on the day of the meeting for details of the software to be used and to receive an invitation to the meeting.

Click on the following links to download the papers: 

Barling Council Agenda 11 February 2021

Barling Magna – Councillor vacancy


There is a vacancy on the Barling Magna Parish Council for the position of Councillor, to be filled by co-option.

Candidates must:

  • Be 18 or older
  • On the electoral register
  • Live, work or hold property within three miles of the parish

Anyone wishing to fill this vacancy should request an application form from Michelle Power, the Clerk to the Parish Council at [email protected], on 07867577569 or in writing to 27 St James Gardens, Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 0BU, for return by noon on 5 March 2021.

Applications will be considered at the Parish Council meeting on 11 March 2021 and applicants are invited to attend the meeting.

Replacement Bus Shelters in Barling Magna

Barling Magna Parish Council is proposing the replacement of the three wooden bus shelters in the Parish.  All three shelters are in a bad state of repair and the plan is to replace them with rustic wooden shelters, in keeping with the rural nature of the parish.


As a better price can be obtained by replacing the three shelters at the same time, it is likely that external funding will need to be sought to assist in the cost of the replacement of the three shelters.

If you would like further information or like to comment on proposals, please contact the Parish Clerk on 07867577569 or [email protected].

Agenda – Barling Magna Full Council 14-01-2021

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Barling Magna Parish Council will meet on Thursday, 14 January 2021 at 7pm.

This meeting will take place via online conferencing, as permitted under s78 of The Coronavirus Act 2020. Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting should email [email protected] requesting access details, no later than noon of the day of the meeting.

Please click on the following links to download papers for this meeting.

Barling Council Agenda 14 January 2021


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