Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council: Thursday, 12th July 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Barling Magna Parish Council will meet on Thursday, 12th July 2018 at the Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, SS3 0LP commencing at 7pm. This meeting will be open to the press and public.

The agenda and papers can be downloaded here:

Barling Council Agenda 12th July 2018

Barling – Full Council minutes – 14.6.18.

Barling – 2018-19 1st quarter Financial Report

Barling – report to Council on Complaints Policy – 12.7.18

Barling – report to Council on Equality – 12 July 2018

Barling – Clerks Report to Council – 12.7.18


Barling – Report on Local Council Awards Scheme – 12.7.18.compressed

Barling Magna Photographic Competition 2018

Barling Magna Parish Council is pleased to announce the launch of a photography competition in 2018. The prize fund is £150 in photographic vouchers.

The purpose of the competition is to celebrate the beauty of our parish and to find quality images which can be shared by the Council both on our website and in a local calendar. We welcome entries from all ages, including under-16s.

Competition guidelines and rules can be downloaded here:

Barling – Photographic Competition 2018 – amended guidelines from September 2018

The deadline for entries is now extended to 30th November for digital submissions ONLY, please.

Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council meeting 14th June 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Barling Magna Parish Council will meet on Thursday, 14th June 2018 at the Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, SS3 0LP commencing at 7pm. This meeting will be open in part to the press and public.

The agenda and papers can be downloaded here:

Barling Council Agenda 14th June 2018

Barling – Annual Council minutes – 10.5.18

Barling – EOM minutes – 31.5.18

Barling – Bank reconciliation to 31.5.18

Barling – report to Council on Wildlife Reserve Health & Safety, COSHH and First-Aid – June 2018

Barling – Photographic Competition 2018 – draft dated 8.6.18

Notice of Public Rights

Members of the public have the right to make an appointment to inspect our draft accounts for the year to 31 March 2018 and supporting paperwork, on weekdays in the period 4th June to 13th July 2018.  Please use the link below to see the headline figures and internal auditor’s report and to read further about your rights:

Barling Magna Notice of Public Rights 1.6.18

Barling Magna PC report 2017-18

Ivan King – Parish Clerk

Wildlife Reserve Committee – Barling Magna Parish Council – 5th June 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Wildlife Reserve Committee of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Tuesday, 5th June 2018 in the Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, SS3 0LP, commencing at 7pm. This meeting will be open to the press and members of the public.

Click the links below for the papers for this meeting:

Barling Wildlife Agenda – 5th June 2018

Barling Wildlife minutes 5th December 2017

Barling – report to WLR on Health and Safety, COSHH and First Aid – 5.6.18

Health and Safety Executive – First Aid at Work



Extraordinary Meeting of Barling Magna Parish Council – Thursday, 31st May 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Barling Magna Parish Council will hold an Extraordinary Meeting on Thursday, 31st May 2018 at the Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, commencing at 7pm.

The agenda and papers can be downloaded here:

Barling Council EOM Agenda 31 May 2018

Barling Magna PC report 2017-18

annual_return_part3_e_-_electronic (1)

12.3 BMPC IA Report 2017-18


Thursday, 10th May 2018 – Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Council Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Parish Meeting for the Parish of Barling Magna will be held on Thursday, 10th May 2018 at the Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, commencing at 7pm.

This will include an opportunity for electors of the parish to raised any matters of interest or concern and to share ideas for the improvement of the quality of life of residents of the parish.

The agenda and draft minutes can be downloaded here:

Barling Parish Meeting Agenda – 10 May 2018

Barling Parish Meeting Minutes – 11th May 2017

This meeting will be followed immediately by the Annual Council Meeting, the agenda for which is below:

Barling Council Agenda 10th May 2018 – Annual Council meeting

Barling – Full Council minutes – 12.4.18

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