Audit for the year ending 31 March 2020 – Notice of Public Rights

As a public body, Barling Magna Parish Council is required each year to have both an internal and an external audit of its finances and governance. 

Members of the public have the right to make an appointment to inspect our draft accounts for the year to 31 March 2020 and supporting paperwork, on weekdays in the period 1 July to 12 August 2020.  Appointments may be made by email to:  clerk or by telephoning 07483 376876.

Please use the links below to see the headline figures and internal auditor’s report and to read further about your rights:

Barling Magna PC – AGAR 2019-20

Barling Magna PC internal audit report 2019-20

Barling Magna PC – Displayed Notice of Public Rights – 1.7.20


Extraordinary meeting of Barling Magna Parish Council – 25 June 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of an Extraordinary meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council, to be held on Thursday, 25 June 2020 by online conferencing, commencing at 7pm.

For the time being, Council meetings may be held by online conferencing under s78 of The Coronavirus Act 2020.

The meeting will not be open to the press and public. Click on the following links to download the papers:

Barling Council EOM Agenda 25 June 2020


Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council meeting 18 June 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Thursday, 18 June 2020 by online conferencing, commencing at 7pm.

For the time being, Council meetings may be held by online conferencing under s78 of The Coronavirus Act 2020.

The meeting will be open to the press and public.  If you wish to observe this meeting or to speak in the residents’ item on the agenda, please contact the Clerk to the Council by email: [email protected] no later than noon on the day of the meeting for details of the software to be used and to receive an invitation to the meeting.

Click on the following links to download the papers:

Barling Council Agenda 18 June 2020

Barling – Full Council minutes – 14.5.20

Wildlife Reserve Committee, to be followed by Personnel Committee – 15 June 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Barling Magna Parish Council Wildlife Reserve Committee will meet on Monday, 15 June 2020 at 7pm, to be followed by the Council’s Personnel Committee.  

Both of these meetings will take place via online conferencing, as permitted under s78 of The Coronavirus Act 2020.  Members of the public wishing to attend the meetings should email [email protected] requesting access details, no later than noon on the day of the meeting.

Please click on the following links to download papers for these meetings:

Barling Wildlife Agenda – 15 June 2020

Barling Wildlife minutes – 2.3.20

Barling Personnel Agenda – 15 June 2020

Barling – Personnel Committee minutes – 29.7.19





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