Citizen of the year





“Citizen of the Year” Award 2023


We welcome nominations of those who have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of others in 2023 for the benefit of the residents of Barling Magna or Little Wakering.


  1. The nominees must be volunteers and they will be considered on the basis of their efforts for the benefit of the residents of Barling Magna or Little Wakering.
  2. Nominations will be accepted from residents of Barling Magna or Little Wakering or from Barling Magna Parish Councillors.
  3. Only work carried out by the volunteers in the current year will be considered.
  4. The person nominated must either live in the Parish, be employed in the Parish or work voluntarily in the Parish.
  5. Serving Parish Councillors and their immediate family are not eligible.
  6. Nominations should be received by the Clerk to the Council in a sealed envelope or by e-mail by noon on 24 November 2023, using the form provided.




Nomination Forms can be returned to:

[email protected] or

Barling Magna Parish Council

111 Alexandra Road, Great Wakering, SS3 0GX



Photography Competition 2023



Photography Competition 2023


Barling Magna Parish Council is pleased to announce its 2023 photography competition. The aim is to celebrate the beauty of our parish and to find high-quality images which can be shared by the Council on our website and social media pages.


The rules of the competition are:

  1. Photographs must reflect the theme ‘Images of Barling Magna Parish’ (including Barling, Little Wakering, Potton Island and Stonebridge), but can be of any style including landscapes, wildlife, creative images, street photography and architectural, amongst others. Images may be in colour, monochrome or tints.
  2. All photographs must be taken within the boundaries of the Parish, within 2023.
  3. Photographs must not include the faces of any person and must be of a suitable nature to be shared in public and with all ages.
  4. The competition is open to amateur photographers of all abilities and we welcome entries by local school students. There are 2 categories for entries:
    1. General competition, for entrants aged over 16 (£100 in Amazon vouchers as prize)
    2. Junior competition, for entrants aged 16 or under (£50 in Amazon vouchers as prize). Entrants to the Junior competition must also state their age and school on the entry form.
  5. Entry is free. You may submit as many entries as you wish. Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form.
  6. Entries must be in digital JPG format, with a maximum individual size of 3Mb. We ask that, where possible, images should have a resolution of not less than 300dpi.  They should be emailed to [email protected], with “Photo Competition” in the subject line and attaching a completed entry form detailing all your entries. Each image should be given a unique file name and detailed on the form. Closing date for receipt of entries is noon on Friday 15 December 2023.



All images will be judged by the Parish Council. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Parish Council will be final.

Image rights

While all photographers who submit entries will retain full rights to any image submitted, by entering the competition they will also be granting permission for the image to be used in the Barling Magna Parish Council website, social media pages, and in any other published materials by the Council, and to be edited or cropped as necessary. Use of images will acknowledge the photographer.




Have your say on recycling centre bookings

Welcome to your October edition of the Love Essex newsletter!This month, we’ve important news about bookings at recycling centres, an opportunity to apply for a micro-grant from the Love Essex Fund, and news on food waste recycling across the county.We’ve also got tips to help you have a zero-waste Halloween, our monthly food waste challenge and more!And with the evenings drawing in, a reminder that until March 2024, Essex County Council recycling centres now close at 4pm.

Have your say on recycling centre bookings

Since March 2023, a booking process has been trialled for vehicles visiting any Essex County Council (ECC) recycling centre.The booking process aims to improve the overall experience when visiting recycling centres by reducing queuing and congestion. Recycling centre staff now have more time to assist users which the council believes will help maximise segregation of waste for reuse and recycling.Following an evaluation of the trial and responses to a user feedback survey, ECC are now proposing to keep the booking process at recycling centres permanently.

Resident feedback is really important when it comes to making decisions about council services, so make sure you have your say!

The consultation is open until 19 November 2023 so there is plenty of time to share your views.Find out more information, read the evaluation and complete the survey.

A staff member helping a man lift a bike out the boot of a car at the recycling centre, with the words ‘have your say’ with consultation dates (9 October to 19 November 2023) in a green box.

The Love Essex Fund is back!

The Love Essex Fund can grant up to £500 to Essex organisations, individuals and schools for projects that create or inspire a reduction in household waste.
Applications for this round are open until just before midnight on Monday 30 October.
Check out the success stories of previous recipients of the fund.

What are your thoughts on the draft Waste Strategy for Essex?

There’s still time to tell us what you think about draft plans for managing recycling, reuse and waste reduction in Essex over the next 30 years.

Read the draft strategy and respond before the consultation period closes on Wednesday 22 November.

Waste collection and disposal affects us all. Your views are important so don’t waste the chance to have your say!

Recyclable items on a conveyor belt being sorted at a processing facility.
Watch the video to find out what happens to recycling and waste in Essex.

You can find more videos about the draft Waste Strategy on the Essex County Council YouTube channel.

The Big Recycling Hunt

This week we’re celebrating Recycle Week, and The Big Recycling Hunt is on!There are lots of recyclable items around the home that often end up in the bin, such as shampoo and cleaning bottles, takeaway trays and food tins.

So keep an eye out for the things we can recycle and let’s work a little harder to recycle more of them, more often.Join The Big Recycling Hunt and make a BIG difference!

Blue box with the text “The Big Recycling Week, 16-22 October”.

Better and safer recycling centres

We are continually working to improve our recycling centres, making them safer for visitors and staff and have recently completed resurfacing work at Maldon Recycling Centre.
Maldon Recycling Centre.
On Tuesday 14 November, Dovercourt Recycling Centre will close for similar repairs. We expect to reopen on Wednesday 29 November.

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