Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council Meeting – Thursday 10 October 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Thursday,  10 October 2019 at Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, SS3 0LP, commencing at 7pm.

The meeting will be open to the public and press.

Click on the following links to download papers:

Barling Council Agenda 10 October 2019

Barling – Full Council minutes – 12.9.19

Barling – Annual targets for 2019-20 – review after 6 months at 10.10.19

Barling Cheque payments – October 2019

Bank Reconciliation to 30 September 2019

Barling Financial Report for 2019-20 after 6 months to 30.9.19



Notice of Completion of Audit for the year ending 31 March 2019

Each year, by law, the Parish Council’s accounts are audited twice: once by an auditor engaged by the Council and then again by an external auditor appointed by the Government. For the year ending 31 March 2019, we are pleased that once again our accounts have been passed by both auditors.

You can see a copy of our annual return for the year here.  This includes the auditors’ reports:  

Notice of Completion of Audit 2018-19 – posted 26.9.19

BMPC – AGAR for 2018-19

BMPC – External Audit report for 2018-19

The full papers are available for inspection by local residents. If you have any questions, please do contact our Responsible Finance Officer on 07483 376876

Nominate a community hero for 2019!

Once again this year, Barling Magna Parish Council would like to honour a fellow citizen who has made a significant contribution to the quality of life in our parish in 2019.  If you live in Barling, Little Wakering, Stonebridge or Potton Island, we would welcome your help by nominating someone for their outstanding community service in our parish. The person nominated must either live, have a job or work voluntarily in the parish. For full details and conditions email [email protected]  The deadline for nominations is 29 November. The award will be made, as usual, close to Christmas.

Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council Meeting – Thursday, 12 September 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Thursday,  12 September 2019 at Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, SS3 0LP, commencing at 7pm.

Please note that the first 30 minutes of this meeting will be a closed meeting, not open to members of the public.  This will be to discuss a legal and contractual matter.  The meeting will be open to the public at or around 7.30pm.

Click on the following links to download papers:

Barling Council Agenda 12 September 2019

Barling – Full Council minutes – 8.8.19

Barling – Annual review of standing orders and Direct Debits – 12.9.19

Barling – Bank Rec and comparison to cashbook to 31.7.19

Barling – Completion of External Audit for 2018-19

Clerk’s report to Council – 12 September 2019

Bank Reconciliation to 30 August 2019


Wildlife Reserve Committee meeting – Monday, 2 September 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Wildlife Reserve Committee of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Monday, 2 September 2019 in the Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, SS3 0LP, commencing at 7pm. This meeting will be open to the press and members of the public.

Click the links below to download papers for this meeting:

Barling Wildlife Agenda – 2 September 2019

Barling Wildlife minutes – 3.6.19

Barling Magna Parish Council – Full Council meeting, Thursday 8 August 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next meeting of the Barling Magna Parish Council will be held on Thursday,  8 August 2019 at Barling Magna Parish Hall, 432 Little Wakering Road, Barling Magna, Essex, SS3 0LP, commencing at 7pm.

The first part of this meeting will be open to the press and public.  

Click on the following links to download papers:

Barling Council Agenda 8 August 2019 (3)

Barling – Full Council minutes – 11.7.19

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